
Fault info. Meaning of CNC Plate punching Machine (4)

Supertime Engineers Department

CJ100 CNC hydraulic punching machine is mainly used for power transmission tower, communication towers or steel structure processing connection board processing, and other machinery industry of plate material, punching and marking.

:1111 READY PC connect, do not have to deal with (when the Y1D off the request response).
:1112 replacement value is not correct, please re set within the valid range.
:1113 torque value is out of range, please reset the parameters within the valid range.
:1115 read / write data number is not correct, please set the correct values and re issue read / write requests.
:1300 inches of the speed change, when the cut off before the start signal can not change the speed of the inch.
:1301 when the set value exceeds the limit speed, the speed is limited to the limit speed, the speed limit is connected with the mark. Please re set within the valid range.
:1401 manual pulse generator input multiple out of range, if the set input multiple is 101 or greater, the actual value is limited to 100; if the value is 0, then the actual value is limited to 1. Please set the input multiple of the manual pulse generator within the valid range.
:1402 manual pulse generator selection is set to 0, please disconnect the manual pulse generator running start flag, the manual pulse generator selection is set to 1, 2 or 3; the READY PC signal is switched on by the disconnected state.
:1500 deceleration / stop speed change, when the operation is stopped or is automatically reduced, because the stop command can not change the speed.
:1501 beyond the speed limit, the speed of change should be within the limit.
:1502 inch speed limit, do not have to deal with.
:1503 ON code M signal is connected, please modify the M code OFF signal on / off time.
:1505 no end of the run settings, please set the fiftieth point to the end of the run.
:1506 FOR-NEXT nested, please create a for-next structure with only one level of nesting.
:1508 deceleration when the speed - position switch, deceleration, do not switch on speed - position switch signal.

:1509: the remaining distance is not enough, the speed is changed to close to the speed change value of feed rate.
:1512 external start function is not correct, please set the parameters in the parameter range.
:1513: if it is not enough, please modify the location data and parameters, speed / position control of the trip to change the scope of the register, within the effective range of settings.
:1514 location speed is out of range, please set the positioning speed within the effective range.
:1900 clock data set is not correct, please reset the clock data.
:2000 please use a hand-held digital operator to read out the axis of the alarm code, control the following list of servo alarm display.
A.02 user constant "sum check" result anomaly
A.04 set the user constant over the set range
A.10 power transistor current is too large
Abnormal A.30 regeneration process circuit
A.31 position deviation pulse goes beyond the value of the user's constant "overflow (cn-1E)"
A.40 main circuit voltage anomaly
The rotation speed of the A.51 motor exceeds the detection level.

A.71 greatly exceeds the rated torque several seconds to tens of seconds
A.72 ultra low load, that is, more than the continuous operation of the rated torque
Heat sink for A.A1 servo unit
A.B1 servo unit CPU can not detect the command input
A.C1 servo motor (encoder) out of control
A.C2 encoder A, B, C three-phase output phase anomaly
A phase or B phase disconnection of A.C3 encoder
C phase disconnection of A.C4 encoder
A.F1 main power supply has a phase not connected
A.F3 in alternating current, there is more than one power cycle of the outage occurred
A.99 displays normal action status

More info. Please contact with:
Jinan Supertime Technology Co., Ltd.

