
CNC Tube Sheet Drilling & Manual Pulse Generator Breakdown Analysis

Supertime Technical Department

Tube sheet & baffle plate drilling:
Complete solutions for boiler industry.

Replaces traditional processing flow, and traditional horizontal tube sheet drilling, greatly improves efficiency.

Double gantry movable drilling machine. 

Two drills work independently or simultaneously.

CNC control, drill automation

Spindle rotation speed up to 3000rpm, high efficiency 

Pulse Generator Breakdown Analysis:

Hand holding unit cable not connected or broken circuit
1. Check cable connection
2. Check hand holding unit cable
3. Check 5v power supply of pulse generator

Pulse Generator Breakdown:
1. Change pulse generator

Hand holding unit switch damage
1. Change hand holding unit
2. Hardware board damage
3. Change system or send to factory for maintenance
4. PLC software
5. Check PLC program

Parameter setting error
1. Check hardware configuration parameters
2. Check if hand holding number of PMC system parameter matches hardware configuration parameters.

More info:
Jinan Supertime Technology Co.,Ltd
CNC machine design and manufacturer specialist

